Redeploy 2021 from ASCDI DisposITion21 (Video) - Guardian Data Destruction
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Redeploy 2021 from ASCDI DisposITion21 (Video)

disposITion 2021

ASCDI’s disposITion 2021 hosted an expert “Redeploy 2021” panel discussion to examine how new environmental regulations, new privacy laws and the COVID-19 pandemic are changing the 2021 business landscape for ITADs.

As a nationwide channel partner to the VAR, ITAD and reseller industry, Guardian Data Destruction, a data destruction, logistics & packing and enterprise and data center services company was invited to participate.

The session was moderated by Joe Marion, ASCDI NATD President and included Dave Maik of Softthinks, Bill Newns of DataVista and Guardian Data Destruction President and Founder Glenn Laga.

Watch Glenn Laga’s business trend insights as part of ASCDI DisposITion21 “Redeploy 2021” here or browse the ASCDI YouTube channel to see the full session recordings from disposITion 2021.

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