Chain of Custody and Asset Transfer Forms (ATF)
Reduce risk, exposure and finger pointing with proper documentation

Are you ready for an audit? Or trying to track down a missing hard drive or laptop? Or worse, the victim of a data breach?
Guardian Data Destruction supplies a full chain of custody documentation so that all device-related data is at your fingertips.
We are committed to a visible and transparent custodial chain of custody process that adheres to corporate, industry and federal regulations. For every project, all IT asset handoffs are fully documented and submitted via Asset Transfer Form so that audits or inquiries of any type are answerable.
Whether it’s a data center decommission or equipment migration or an onsite data destruction shred and erasure job, Guardian safeguards your security with our end-to-end chain of custody commitment and documentation.

Reduce liability with onsite data destruction
Switching offsite data destruction to onsite automatically reduces a significant opportunity for a data breach by eliminating a leg of transportation of live data. Instead the shredded byproduct goes right to an R2 recycler. Erased drives are left onsite or transported via SOW.
Documentation includes:
- Destruction
- Certificate of Recycling
- Receipt by Recycler
- Serial # scan

What’s included in Chain of Custody documentation
To protect the confidentiality of your company and clients, you are required by law to document the transport and changing hands of your data-laden devices.
As part of our secure transportation, packing and data destruction processes, Guardian will always and automatically supply:
- Asset Transfer Forms (ATF) per transfer of devices
- Bill of Lading (BOL) per shipment of devices
- Certificates of Data Destruction (including scanned serial numbers) per project
- Certificates of Recycling per project

Understanding the Asset Transfer Form
For each and every device hand-off on each and every project, Guardian automatically supplies an Asset Transfer Form.
- Job #
- Quantity and type of items picked up
- Date
- Location of pickup and destination
- Site contact
- Pickup and receiving destination
- Onsite services performed (e.g., serial number capturing, hard drive removal, packing, etc.)
- Signatures of all parties (Guardian + customer + consignee)
Whether your IT asset is transported to a recycler, a remarketer, an ITAD or reseller or a warehouse awaiting disposition or redeployment, you’ll have an Asset Transfer Form to document each leg of transfer and transport.

The Asset Transfer Form is protection and accountability
You should only need to refer to an Asset Transfer Form when there’s a “situation” and THEN it will be everyone’s source of truth.
The dual signature line is key:
Guardian: “I’ve got this (list/description) that I’ve done (this) to it and now I’m taking it all (here) ”
Customer: “I 100% agree!”
The Asset Transfer Form makes everyone accountable as both sides have agreed to what is being taken and where.
Increase protection
Guardian’s adherence to Chain of Custody process and documentation is your guardian against data breaches.
Learn how Chain of Custody and ATF documentation works
We believe in full transparency and full documentation. See if you’re getting what you need for full chain of custody protection.
Be more valuable to your client.
We understand the data and IT asset market like no one else. And we have the expertise to help your business shine and grow.
Related & Add-On Services
More about Chain of Custody and Asset Transfer Forms
We are focused on making IT packing and logistics easier while providing a better customer experience. Fill in the form and let’s see if we can help.
If your project is urgent or you need a quote, skip the form and call us right away at 888-556-9473 (WIPE).
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