Trusted Experts in
Data DestructionData Center ServicesIT Packing & LogisticsIT Asset Disposition ServicesCustom Solutions

We partner with ITADs, MSPs, Resellers and Value Added Resellers (VARs) to deliver best-in-class onsite asset disposition services. Our NAID AAA certification, NIST-compliant equipment, expertise and trusted processes mean that no one has to worry about a data breach from end of life assets.

Guardian is your best defense against risk
As a single-source provider, Guardian’s secure data destruction, IT packing and logistics, and data center services remove the risk of a data breach, data loss or equipment damage while maintaining an eye on the bottom line. Working with our channel partners, we develop services that supplement asset disposition programs to meet logistics, compliance and security goals.
Data protection needs are increasing
With more and more hard drives, computers, and smart devices purchased every day, the risk is buried in the memories of everyday business devices and tools. And, as enterprises move to the cloud or relocate, there’s often valuable and confidential data on those discarded drives, media and equipment.

Guardian is where you are
Headquartered in New Jersey, Guardian is a single source provider servicing the full US market. Our fleet of mobile trucks is strategically distributed at 23 service hubs throughout the continental U.S. Each Guardian mobile data destruction truck can be dispatched to shred up to 5,000 hard drives or wipe 300 computers in a single day onsite.
Our international partners help us serve the needs of global Fortune 500 and enterprise companies.
Guardian’s Core Values
Business and individual growth through ongoing education and improvement
- We hire for experience, drive and commitment; we retain for relationship, excellence and accomplishment.
- We give back to our community and industry.
- We maintain the highest level of industry certifications and training.
Positive “Can Do” attitude on every job or challenge
- We provide innovative solutions that are simple, practical, and secure.
- Our deep industry experience and knowledge allow us to shift and pivot when unforeseen challenges arise.
- Our dedication to the customer is visible in everything we do.
Be trusted and provide a better customer experience
- We focus on reproducible processes, accountability and communication — the foundation of delivering consistent, secure services.
Performance excellence thru leadership by example
- We build relationships. For our VARs and ITAD partners, understanding your challenges helps us create the best solution to become your preferred vendor.
- We pride ourselves in our onsite staffing and professionalism; at all times we are an extension of our VAR and ITAD partners.
- We’re in constant contact. Our flexibility and responsiveness set us apart.
Sit down with Guardian
- We believe we’re part of a bigger family. Everyday we have a family-style lunch that is an open forum for discussion, relationship building and enjoying good food.
- Our doors are open. Stop in for our daily company lunch or go fishing with our crew.
- We are the guardians of data — we don’t leave a shred behind.
Guardian Data Destruction is a partner
No matter the industry, Guardian provides ITADs, Resellers, VARs and MSPs with necessary client end-of-life services as part of IT asset technology programs.
Since our founding in 2004, IT asset management has gotten more complex. As a single source provider, we can reduce risk, reduce cost, reduce overhead while improving your customer relationship. And you can be assured of compliance and security.
Guardian works with you to satisfy the requirements of the project, every job role, regulation, and corporate policy.
Partner with Guardian
We understand the data and IT asset market like no one else. And we have the expertise to help your business shine and grow.
Discover the Guardian difference
Browse around! Guardian services range from all kinds of onsite data destruction to data center migration to IT equipment packing and logistics.
Have questions? Guardian can help. Let’s have (virtual) coffee and a conversation.
Drop us a line today. If your project is urgent or you need a quote, skip the form and call us right away at 888-556-9473 (WIPE).
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