As stated within the e-waste industry, “each year, we generate around 40 million tons of electronic waste worldwide. That’s like throwing away over 69 million laptops a DAY.”

For our 6th annual Super Bowl Recycle Event hosted by and in support of the NFL, Verizon, and Zoo Miami… we are pleased to report yet another successful e-waste recycle event which took place on January 18, 2020. Zoo Miami hosted a recycle event for the local community to give back to the city of Miami for hosting the Super Bowl this year. Not only are the Kansas City Chiefs winners of the 54th Super Bowl… but so are the 100+ locals in Miami who took the time out of their day to attend this event and safely dispose of their obsolete units. We had well over 100 individuals show up and take advantage of the free recycling we offered. Not only are the attendees winners, but the individuals who helped run and organize the event are EQUAL WINNERS too!
Why exactly do we have events like these? Well, with technology evolving every day and new cell phones and laptops coming out on a 6 month to yearly basis, recycle events like these are crucial to help dispose of our devices the correct way protect our environment by making sure these devices stay out of our landfills. This year we loaded at least two 53-foot trailers of all types of e-waste ranging from microwaves, cameras, TVs, vacuum cleaners and computers for Miami’s residents. Our thanks and appreciation go out the NFL, VERIZION, and The Miami Zoo, as well as all everyone who helped!