Industries - Guardian Data Destruction

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Delivering data destruction and IT assets services to
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Industries we serve

IT asset management and data security have only gotten more complex and regulated. As your partner, Guardian reduces risk, reduces cost and reduces overhead while shouldering the burden of compliance, industry and logistics.

No matter the industry or location, Guardian works behind the scenes to satisfy the requirements of the project, the industry, any and all regulations and corporate policies.

The results forge lasting business relationships, increased trust and the proven confidence that your data and asset management programs are executed to the highest level.

Data destruction in aerospace


Data security for all aerospace entities and airports encompasses a variety of assets from classified DOD development servers to commercial reservation computers and airport kiosks. Aircraft equipment alone are loaded with devices holding proprietary information. Guardian offers DOD-compliant data destruction for secure data wiping, degaussing, sanitization and onsite shredding as fine as 2 mm to meet DOD 5220.22M, NIST 800-88, NSA/CSS 02-01 standards. Guardian’s TSA-approved personnel can provide white glove packing, chain of custody protocols, secure transport, data center services, kiosk removal, copier/printer wiping, and recycling are also applicable to sensitive or classified equipment slated for disposition.

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data destruction for banking industry

Banking and Financial

Data security and destruction in the banking and financial sector are governed by multiple regulations. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLBA) regulates and defines best practices for handling confidential information. The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) requires any business or individual that uses consumer data must dispose of electronic data by erasure or destruction. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) determines how credit card merchants must store eMedia, how long to store it, and final disposition. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) aka The American Competitiveness and Corporate Accountability Act regulated how domestic public companies and accounting firms (and more) handle financial information and financial reporting. And, finally, the recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stipulates individual rights to data expunging including storage media and devices. For adherence to all regulations, Guardian offers DOD-compliant data destruction for secure data wiping, degaussing, sanitization and onsite shredding as fine as 2 mm to meet DOD 5220.22M, NIST 800-88, NSA/CSS 02-01 standards. Chain of custody protocols, secure transport, data center services, kiosk removal, copier/printer wiping, and recycling are also applicable to sensitive or classified equipment slated for disposition.

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data destruction in education industry


Schools, by their very nature, are warehouses of data on children. Regulations govern privacy, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and individual rights, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Higher education institutions with research and study departments at the behest of the medical, pharmaceutical, scientific, engineering and other industries are required to meet applicable PHI (personal health information) and financial data sanitization regulations. Guardian provides data destruction services to meet regulatory compliance at all education institution levels as well as IT services for data centers and ethical recycling.

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Protecting data in R&D

Federal Government and Research & Development

Data security for the federal government and classified R&D is complex just due to sheer scope and scale. Data destruction rules and regulations can be applied to data-laden assets that vary from development servers to biologic testing equipment and data types that range from PHI (protected health information) and financial data to compiled behavioral data (mobile apps, purchase history, etc.). Additionally standards range from dual wiping data sanitization requirements (such as degaussing followed by shredding) and complete device destruction for top secret/high security projects. Guardian offers DOD-compliant data destruction for secure data wiping, degaussing, sanitization and onsite shredding a fine as 2 mm to meet DOD 5220.22-M, NIST 800-88, National Security Agency Central Security Service (NSA/CSS), FIPS 140-3 (NIST’s Federal Information Processing Standards and Security Requirements for use in computer systems by non-military American government agencies and government contractors) and Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) standards. Guardian also provides white glove packing, secure transport, chain of custody protocols, data center services, kiosk removal, copier/printer wiping, and recycling for sensitive or classified equipment slated for disposition.

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“Four out of five corporate IT asset disposal projects had at least one missing asset. More disturbing is the fact that 15% of these ‘untracked’ assets are devices potentially bearing data such as laptops, computers, and servers.”

Harvard Business Review

Protecting data in manufacturing


With a gap in federal legislation, manufacturing answers to spotty state laws such as the · California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) or Massachusetts’ Standards for the Protection of Personal Information of the Commonwealth. Far more influential is the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covering use and disposition of data. Even without comprehensive regulation, manufacturers’ focus on brand protection is a driver for IT integrity. Without specific regulation as a guide for data destruction, manufacturers evaluate the financial and reputation damage that a release of client information, credit card data or confidential product information could cause. Across all production industries, Guardian provides nationwide, secure data destruction as well as white glove packing, secure packing and transport, data center services, chain of custody and recycling to meet compliance standards.

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data destruction in the healthcare industry

Medical and Healthcare

Data security for patients’ protected health information (PHI) is protected by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act​​ (HIPAA) regulations and enforced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). As such, all data-bearing devices throughout the patient care network including doctors, clinics, hospitals, insurance companies and their authorized associates (e.g., third party administrators, attorneys, CPAs, etc.) are subject to stringent protocols for the final disposition of hardware and electronic media. If credit cards are used for any transaction, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) determines how the cardholder data must be stored, safeguarded and destroyed. Guardian provides secure data destruction (shredding and degaussing as mandated) as well as white glove packing, secure packing and transport, data center services, kiosk removal, chain of custody, copier/printer wiping and recycling to meet compliance standards.

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protecting data in the pharmaceutical industry


Whether it’s consumer-level data for prescription records or big medical, biotech and production, any business engaged in patients’ protected health information (PHI) is accountable to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Additionally there is classified competitive data for R&D and studies to be considered. For the disposition of the range of pharma industry computers, tapes, servers and handheld devices like scanners and tablets, Guardian provides secure data destruction (primarily shredding and degaussing) as well as white glove packing, secure packing and transport, data center services, kiosk removal, copier/printer wiping and recycling to meet compliance standards set by the FTC, FDA and HHS as well as industry standards.

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Protecting data in the publishing industry


In publishing, the data at risk includes subscriber information, credit card data, contractual and payment data, competitive planning and of course intellectual property rights. There is a network of state, federal and EU regulations protecting various aspects of this data including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for Publishers, the California Consumer Privacy Act and the updated Children Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) which requires a method of deletion of web-based cookies, ad-tech data and mobile advertising IDs. If credit cards are used for any transaction, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) determines how the cardholder data must be stored, safeguarded and destroyed. Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA) data privacy law protects users’ personal information such as age, name, ID number, occupation, income, and more. Guardian offers DOD-compliant data destruction for secure data wiping, degaussing, sanitization and onsite shredding as fine as 2 mm. White glove and end of life packing, chain of custody, secure transport, data center services, copier/printer wiping, and recycling are also applicable to sensitive or classified equipment slated for disposition.

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real estate protection of data

Real Estate and Insurance

Insurance and real estate, composed of brokerages, mortgage, lending, legal and title agencies, are primarily governed by the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) which requires any business or individual that uses consumer data must dispose of electronic data by erasure or destruction. For businesses doing transactions outside of the US, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stipulates individual rights to data expunging including storage media and devices. Data on end-of-life devices must be completely erased (not just deleted). And, if credit cards are used for any transaction, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) determines how the cardholder data must be stored, safeguarded and destroyed. Guardian offers DOD-compliant data destruction for secure data wiping, degaussing, sanitization and onsite shredding as fine as 2 mm. White glove and end of life packing, secure transport, data center services, copier/printer wiping, and recycling are also applicable to sensitive or classified equipment slated for disposition.

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Protecting Data in Retail

Retail and eCommerce

Retailers of any size are subject to data destruction regulation due to the high volume of personally identifiable information (PII) and payment card information (PCI) changing hands with every transaction. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stipulates individual rights to data expunging including storage media and devices. Data on end-of-life devices must be completely erased (not just deleted). The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) requires any business or individual that uses consumer data must dispose of electronic data by erasure or destruction. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) determines how merchants, retail outlets, eCommerce sites and software must store, safeguard and destroy cardholder data. On the state level, at least 35 states have implemented their own laws regarding data protection and privacy. Most well known is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). For adherence to all these regulations and industry compliance guidelines, Guardian offers DOD-compliant data destruction for secure data wiping, degaussing, sanitization and onsite shredding as fine as 2 mm. White glove and end of life packing, secure transport, data center services, kiosk removal, copier/printer wiping, and recycling are also applicable to sensitive or classified equipment slated for disposition.

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Woman reviewing secure server

Technology and Cloud Providers

Third party providers such as cloud storage, SAAS technology companies and other cloud-based applications store a wide range and enormous amounts of client data. The data destruction standards – deletion, overwriting, hardware destruction options – vary by vendor, applicable industry sanitization regulations (financial, medical, retail, etc.) and local jurisdiction of hosting. Guardian offers DOD-compliant data destruction for secure data wiping, degaussing, sanitization and onsite shredding down to 2 mm to meet DOD 5220.22M, NIST 800-88, NSA / CSS 02-01 standards. Additionally, Guardian provides white glove packing, secure transport, a full range of data center services including remote erasure, kiosk removal, chain of custody and custom services for dedicated data centers, cloud storage facilities and tech companies.

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