COVID-19 Community Update - Guardian Data Destruction
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COVID-19 Community Update

COVID-19 update

Dear All Guardian Data Destruction’s Clients,

We are operating in a completely new realm and during these uncertain times, we are continuing to monitor the rapidly changing landscape. From the early stages of COVID-19, to now, it has taken us from a few cautious emails about hand washing to the closure of non-essential offices. Our first thought is for the safety and well-being of all our employees, clients, and businesses impacted by these circumstances. We believe that things will get back to normal, it’s just a matter of time and patience, and in the meantime, we will continue to operate to the best of our ability.

As of Monday, March 23, 2020 Guardian Data Destruction has adapted by having our office staff work from home and having a limited crew for onsite services. The Governor of NJ Phil Murphy signed an Executive Order which instructs residents to stay home, cancel all gatherings, and for non-essential retail businesses to close indefinitely.

GDD is considered an essential business and will continue to support our existing clients to the best of our ability. With safety as a priority, we will be limiting the number of people in the field and office, and our sales personnel will continue supporting your needs and request from their home. To make it easier for all, please reach out to your GDD contact by cell or by email for any quotes or service requests.

We appreciate you understanding and of course any questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you for your time, and please stay safe and healthy as better times are coming!


Glenn Laga, Michael Sirota

Visit Guardian Data Destruction’s COVID-19 Resource Center for Asset Dispositon and Data Destruction for complete and updated info.

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