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Data Privacy Week: Finding trusted vendors that align with your asset management policies

Review & Renew trust in your supporting vendors & industry organizations

In our first two articles focused on National Data Privacy Week, What is Data Privacy Day and why should you care? and Data Privacy Week. Here’s what the experts want you to know, we learned that selecting the right partners is an essential factor in ensuring that data privacy is a priority at every touchpoint. 

If you need a partner, where do you go? How do you begin the vetting process? 

Start with industry organizations that specialize in data privacy (and trust)

There are undoubtedly specialized industry organizations and trusted referrals from colleagues that can kick off your partnership search. Guardian Data Destruction is a member of organizations such as National Association for Information Disposition (NAID), the International Association of Information Technology Asset Managers, Inc (IATAM) and the Association of Service, Communications, Data and ITAD providers (ASCDI) because we recognize that the high standards, certifications and requirements of these organizations hold high value to our target customers.

ASCDI, a not for profit association of companies that buy, sell and service computer, telecom and other technical equipment and solutions is one place to start if you’re concerned about data privacy.

“Data Privacy is one of the most important issues and opportunities facing the IT industry today. We’ve all read about the big data breaches, the big fines and the public embarrassment that have clearly put corporations on notice: they are 100% responsible for their customer data. Likewise, environmental laws make corporations responsible for the disposition of their used equipment. Whether it is reselling, recycling or data destruction, they need vendors that they can trust to “do the right thing”.   

The Association of Service, Communications, Data and ITAD providers (ASCDI) was formed in 1981 to identify trusted resellers and servicers of technology products. That mission remains unchanged and the value of membership has become more recognized as IT subcontractors shoulder increasing responsibilities for data privacy, data destruction and the disposition of IT equipment.

On Data Privacy Day, the ASCDI honors its members for respecting customer data and privacy in the reuse of IT and communications equipment processes. ASCDI membership requires strict adherence our Code of Ethics and a commitment to protecting customer data and the environment through the ASCDI ITAD Certify program. 

By vetting resellers of IT equipment, the ASCDI reduces the risks associated with data breaches, counterfeit, import restrictions, resale restrictions and illegal software transfer. As an organization, we commend businesses that consider data protection and privacy as a priority. We encourage everyone to take advantage of Data Privacy Week to review their own policies, processes and partners to ensure no risk of a data breach or a lapse in standards.”

Joe Marion
ASCDI President

IT Asset security and sustainability 

CircleIT, a member of ASCDI, is an ITAD and B Corporation focused on advanced data destruction, responsible R2/RIOS recycling and repurposing electronic devices. Their focus on combined security and sustainability is a design-in solution for customers interested in both data privacy and actively supporting a circular economy.  

“Organizations must keep their data secure to protect their brand – their employees, customers and stakeholders depend on it. If you’re contracting for any outside IT service, you should be 100% assured that your vendors value data security and privacy and have written processes to ensure compliance, rigor and guardianship of your company’s brand.

CircleIT’s mission is to protect our client’s data in the most secure and sustainable way. This requires us to maintain the highest levels of certifications including NAID AAA and R2V3. And we don’t see data security as a solitary line item. Instead, we feel that it should be an integral part of every step in any data handling process. For CircleIT, this means that our clients’ data is erased beyond the Department of Defense standards.

Data security is also critical to small businesses and consumers. When assessing vendors look for companies that offer secure IT asset services that serve your company goals and your employees’ personal needs – especially those of remote workers. As an example, CircleIT offers a digital ITAD solution designed to scale from one to many. Perfectly aligned with the goals of National Data Privacy Week, this open-to-all digital solution offers anybody and everybody a safe option for erasing their device data and then securely shipping it to CircleIT to be processed and sustainably repurposed.

And finally, look for service providers that support the circular economy. By focusing on cost-effective and easy-to-implement data security processes including data destruction, IT assets can be safely, securely reused to minimize waste, support our natural resources and eliminate the linear “buy, use and trash” process. “

Christian Foster

When it comes to brand protection, the cheapest or closest vendor may not even be considering your data privacy as they perform their services. Look for and build a trusted relationship with industry and niche leaders who understand the risks of a data breach and have the processes in place as they fulfill the required IT asset services. 

Bottom line, you want service organizations that understand and execute data protection and privacy at the same level you do. Or better.

Tomorrow’s National Data Week Focus:  Eric Dorn of Sipi Asset Recovery reveals what keeps him up at night in the chain of custody process.

For assistance finding a vendor that prioritizes data security and data privacy, reach out to our National Privacy Week contributors, trusted organizations such as ASCDI, NAID/i-SIGMA, IAITAM or give us a call for a referral.

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